Grind Your Own Off-Grid Coffee Beans

by Self Reliance
Coffee Beans, hands scooping it

If you’re gonna store coffee for the long term, some of it will probably be vacuum sealed cans you bought at the store. That’s a smart idea. It’s easy and don’t cost much. That’s exactly what I do, too. But you might also buy some cans and Mylar bags of whole coffee beans. They taste better and will store a lot longer that ground beans. The only problem is, when you’re off-grid, your electric coffee grinder ain’t much use to you. How are you gonna grind your coffee beans without power?


That’s where the old-fashioned, hand- powered grinders come in real handy. Back in the old days, everybody grounded their own coffee beans. You’ve probably seen them in old Western movies. But what if you don’t have one of those? How can you still grind your coffee beans and get that crucial first cup of Joe first thing in the morning?

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Well, you can get one of the metal, hand-cranked meat grinders that clamp onto your counter top. They’re not made for grinding coffee beans, but they’ll do the job in a pinch. It won’t be the finest grind in the world, but trust me, it’ll do.


Barring that, you can use a rolling pin. Just put the coffee beans in a tough plastic
bag and roll over the beans back and forth. It helps to use your body weight when doing it to get a finer grind.

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Another way to get it done is to use a mortar and pestle. These are easy enough to get hold of and will work pretty good, too. You just gotta make sure that the beans don’t go flying off the pestle when you begin. An easy way to fix that problem is to cover the whole thing with foil, a dish towel or whatever else you have handy. That way, the beans might fly up, but they’ll end up right back where you want them.

There are, of course, other ways to grind your coffee beans off-grid. You can jerry-rig just about any kind of friction and pressure combination to turn your coffee beans into ground coffee. Your best bet is to solve that problem today so when the power grid stops working, you’ll still have your morning cuppa coffee to get you started for the day.

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