Boost Your Brain Power Naturally With Herbs & Oils!

by Self Reliance

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BRAHMIThis is one of the most effective herbs for elevating the functioning of the brain and nervous system. It helps the left and right sides of the brain to work together. Brahmi helps our brain function in so many important ways. It improves our ability to learn and retain new information, as well as improving our memory. This herb also helps to reduce stress on our brains in the following ways:
a. It increases our ability to focus
b. It improves our ability to withstand emotional stress
c. It helps reduce nervousness and anxiety
d. It raises our immune system function
Brahmi can also reduce insomnia, delay or slow the onset of senility, as well as restore adrenal glands that have been weakened by the stresses of everyday living. (Note: Although Brahmi is sometimes called gotu kola in English, Gotu kola
is actually a different herb.)

GOTU KOLA – This herb also has a high positive impact on brain function. It helps balance brain chemistry, improves blood circulation and memory.
(Note: Gotu Kola is also known as Mandukaparni in Sanskrit.)

ASHWAGHANDHA – This herb is one of the best for restoring mental clarity and cognitive functioning that an overly busy schedule can damage. It does this by rejuvenating cellular health in the brain and in the immune system. Both of these boost the brain’s memory and are very helpful in supporting the immune system.

VACHA – This herb’s name means “speech.” It’s a stimulant, which can be used to not only treat depression and mental lethargy, resulting in better concentration, clarity and speech. It also helps the memory and detoxifies brain tissues.

TAGARA – Also known as Indian valerian, this herb helps correct emotional and nervous imbalances.

TULSI – This herb increases oxygen to the brain.
This in turn, leads to better blood circulation in the brain and feelings of well-being and mental clarity.
These herbs are easily accessed through natural healing stores. Be sure to read all the instructions for each. Also, consult your doctor before using them. They may interact in negative ways with any existing medicines you may be taking.

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Now let’s look at some essential oils that will help you brain run at peak performance…

Rosemary – This bright and sharp essence improves clarity in the mind and helps to balance emotions.

Peppermint – This stimulating essence brightens the mind and boosts energy, creativity and learning.

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Basil – This common spice plays a key role in improving mental fatigue and increasing and extending our ability to focus.

QUICK LIST – Write down what you want to do each day. Number each task. Read it out loud. Say you have five things to do. Say each number with task, and then don’t use the list again.

CHUNKING – Group large numbers like phone numbers and I.D. numbers into two or three numbers. Group items, like shopping lists, according to their relationships, i.e. vegetables, fruits, breads, etc.

MEDITATION – Visualization is one of the most powerful mental exercises you use to improve mind function. It involves relaxing in a chair quietly, or even laying in bed, and deliberately calming your body beginning with your feet and moving upward. Finally, relax your mind by imagining a calm, open and pleasant place. Breathe deeply, letting the tension out of your shoulders with each exhale. Mentally “clean your mind” of all the clutter and useless thoughts, worries and fears. Intellectually and mentally hand them over to God, or, simply imagine leaving them on floor beside you. When you’ve done this, you’ll be calm, emotionally and mentally relieved and able to think clearly again. Do this at least once a day in the morning, evening or both.

BRIDGING – This method creates a bridge between the thing you wish to recall and an even or quality of the event. Say you met a woman at a party named Susan, who’s a lawyer. How do you quickly memorize her name? Relate her being a
lawyer. Lawyers sue people; her name becomes “Sue-san” in your mind.

STOP TRYING SO HARD – Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you can’t recall a particular thing that what you want to. That’s hen you stop trying to recall it and simply tell your mind to recall it later. Then, don’t think about it. Your subconscious mind will go to work and bring it back to you in a relatively short period of time. Don’t stress about it; that only blocks the information from returning to you.
If you’re the kind of person who gets stressed easily, or is constantly in a stressful situation, you need to rebalance your mind regularly. It needs to become a daily habit. When you don’t regularly maintain your mind, it stops functioning as well as it should. These mental boosting herbs, essences and exercise techniques will allow you to restore you mental faculties and boost your brain power back where it should be!

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