What Are You Putting In Your Organic Garden?

by Self Reliance

You know what’s one of the most overlooked aspects of getting your organic garden put together? It’s one of the most basic necessities, but it’s likely not one you’ve thought about very often, if at all. Most people just use it as it is without worrying about it. But it’s absolutely critical as it is obvious.

Now, if you’ve been reading this Everlasting Pantry section on a regular basis, you know what you need to do for a healthy, successful organic garden, don’t you?

You get your organic heirloom seeds together and carefully plan your planting schedule, nurturing your crop from seed to seedlings. Then you carefully plant those seedlings in your composted garden soil that you’ve prepared with your own organic material. That way you know that the seeds are pure and the soil is nutrient rich and ready to yield you a big, healthy crop.

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You’ve also planted your crop in the right area to get the right amount of sunlight and have planted the proper pest- minimizing plants to keep the critters from destroying your organic crop. Everything is just about how you’d want it to make a go of your organic garden this spring.

One very important detail

There’s just one more detail you need to attend to: the water.

That’s right; water is a huge deal when it comes to creating a truly organic garden. In fact, the water you put in your garden may well un-do all the good you’ve taken the time to make your veggies as healthy and natural as possible. Worse, it can even make your garden downright toxic!

Now, you might well be thinking, “ Sam, what in the name of John Henry Hill are you goin’ on about?”

Well, here’s what I’m talking about…

Today, the vast majority of water sources aren’t what they used to be. Truth be told, you’re probably taking in well over a hundred regulated and unregulated chemicals into your body with every glass of water your drink or every vegetable you boil.

Water can be poisonous

That’s because the water supplies in at least 42 out of the 50 states are tainted with 141 unregulated chemicals. These are chemicals that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) doesn’t even have established standards. That means we don’t know what levels or amounts of these chemicals in our water supply may be safe or harmful. Folks that ain’t good news.

But just hold on, ‘cause it gets a whole lot worse. Those tests weren’t just a snapshot of one or two days; the tests were conducted over the course of two-and-a-half years. Not only that, but there are another 119 chemicals in our water supplies coast-to-coast that are regulated by the EPA. And just in case you’re thinking the presence of all these chemicals – 260 in all – might only apply to a water supply here or there, well you got another thing comin’.

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The tests that found all these chemicals in our water were done at about 40,000 different water utilities across the country. That’s right; I said 40,000! These tests were undertaken under the authority and requirement of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act.

The water supplies tested provide water to over 230 million Americans nationwide. Given these proportions, there’s absolutely no reason to think that the rest of our water supplies aren’t tainted just as badly as those tested.

That’s just common sense, isn’t it?

For many areas, part of the supply of drinking water is treated wastewater. That’s a tough image to swallow, I’ll tell you that. The trouble is, the wastewater effluent in many water treatment facilities have more than 100,000 chemicals. These include a big bucketful of hormones from birth control pills. These hormones are mainly related to the female hormone, estrogen, and have been proven to have some very negative affects on our bodies.

The main kinds of estrogen found to be present in our water supply are estrone, estradiol, estriol, and the synthetic ethinylestradiol. None of these are what you want to put into your body. That goes double for men.

Sure, some states have worse water than others. Some of the worst states are ones you might expect, but there are some surprises, too. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), the top 10 states with the most chemicals in their drinking water – regulated and unregulated – were, in the order of worst to least worst, California, Wisconsin, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, New York, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Illinois.

That’s not even counting the chlorine and fluoride that they put in our water “for our own good.”

Two choices

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Well, the way I see it, there are two basic choices for you. Your first option is to water your organic garden only when it rains. That’s a good option if you live in an area with regular rainfall. Or, your second option is to take control of the water you put in your organic garden.

My suggestion is to do what I did and take control of the water quality myself. The way you do that is to take out all the chemicals, hormones and other additives like chlorine and fluoride from the water before you use it to grow your organic veggies.

How do you do that? You get yourself a water filter that can do it for you without you having to lift a finger. The water filter I use – actually, I use several of them – is the Clearly Filtered water filter pitcher.

Filter your water!

That’s right, the Clearly Filtered water filter looks just like your normal looking home water filter pitcher. The difference is, this little technical wonder cleans your water like nobody’s business. It’s the best water filter on the market, as far as I’m concerned.

It takes just a few minutes to filter your water of all the contaminants I’ve talked about and pour fresh, clean water on your organic crops. Using two, three or even more at once can provide you with ample clean water quickly and easily. Best of all, I’ve made a deal with the folks at Clearly Filtered to give you, my readers a special deal. They’ve agreed to give you a very affordable, low price on these terrific little filters, but I’ve also got to say that I can’t guarantee how long the deal will last or how long their supplies will last.

To get yours, go to http://www.perfectwaterpurifier.com/srr-pitchers and you can take it from there. I promise you that your organic crops will love drinking in all the clean, pure water. Come to think of it, you might like it too.

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