As complex and modern as we like to think our society is, there’s at least one area of health in which we are still quite primitive and backward. That area has to do with parasites in human beings. Parasites have been around for as long as we have and even though we typically think of parasitic infections as something that happens in Third World countries, it may shock you to know that by some estimates, up to 80 percent of Americans are infested with internal parasites!
It is not enough to say that we have an epidemic of parasitic infection on our hands. It truly is a national health crisis, especially when you consider the symptoms of a parasitical infection. They are many and we will go over them further on in this article. But what if so many of the illnesses and maladies that people suffer today with no particular cause, are in fact caused by microscopic parasites? It may well be the case!
Why are parasites such a threat to your health? Because regardless of their kind or size, parasites do three things inside our bodies: they eat, they reproduce and they excrete. They either live off our food or our bodies, they either lay eggs or reproduce like a virus, and they all excrete toxins into our bodies. All three of these activities can cause a variety of symptoms and maladies that can be difficult to cure if the parasitic cause is not identified.
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Symptoms of Intestinal Parasites
- Diarrhea
- Gas or bloating
- Nausea or vomiting
- Stomach pain or tenderness
- Fatigue or weakness
- Weight loss
- Passing a worm in your stool
Unfortunately, even “healthy” people are likely to have some kind of parasite within them, whether it’s a kind of worm that’s visible to the eye or a microscopic parasitic infection. It has, in fact, been medically documented that almost every adult in the United States is currently hosting some kind of parasite within his or her body. If that isn’t one of the most disgusting and gross statistics you’ve ever heard, we don’t know what is! Catching parasites is easier than you imagine
Getting parasites is actually quite easy and common. In many cases, people simply inhale tiny eggs of parasites or get them from casual contact with an infected person, by eating under cooked meat or raw meat such as sushi or eat produce picked by an infected person or watered with unclean water. This last source is common with leafy greens grown in and imported from Mexico and other Third World countries.
A parasitic infection can have many different sources of food, depending on the parasite. Various worms, whether tapeworms, round worms, pin worms, hook worms or others, mainly live in the digestive tract and will live off the food that you put in your body, especially dairy products, sugars and proteins. They rob you off the nutritious elements in the food you eat, depriving you of your health, as they grow healthy and large. These larger parasites are very tough and durable, and have been documented to live in humans for up to 30 years. They can, however, also live in the liver and other organs throughout the body.
They attack everywhere

In fact, there is no organ in your body that is immune to parasites. Those that don’t feed off of what you eat will actually feed off of the cells in your body! Not surprisingly, this can make you very ill. These tend to be the microscopic type of parasites and are quite dangerous because they can travel throughout the body, wreaking havoc with your organs, including your brain!
These microscopic parasites can also attack and devour the calcium lining in your bones, eat the lining off your nerve cells, which can destroy the brain-nerve connection, and even take up residence in the liver, colon and other areas causing major discomforts and problems. These tiny parasites reproduce themselves in a way that is similar to bacteria or viral reproduction.
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Testing for parasites
How can you tell if you’re playing host to one or more parasites? Medical tests will include stool analysis for ovum and parasites, as well as blood tests for antibodies. The problem is that the average hospital lab can only detect 20 percent of the actual cases. Worse, there are over 1,000 species of parasites that can live in your body but tests only detect maybe 50 types or five percent of the total types of infection with a 20 percent accuracy rate of those, for a total of about a one percent total accuracy rate!
For a more complete testing, you need to go to laboratories that can detect more varieties more accurately. These labs include:
- Healthscope Australia
- Metametrix available in the US, UK, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
- Great Plains Laboratory USA
- Biohealth Diagnostics are available in most countries worldwide
- The “#401H”Test
- Diagnostechs
- The “Expanded Gastrointestinal Panel” Test.
- Biohealth Diagnostics Laboratory
Are you not completely disturbed by what you’re reading? We don’t blame you!
Fight back!

But, the good news is that you can do something about parasites living within your intestinal tract or even other parts of your body, with or without an expensive test. There are, in fact, herbal remedies available that decimate parasite within your body, regardless of where they are. There are a variety of combinations of herbs you can use, but the most common natural parasite cleansing remedy contains a black or green walnut hull, wormwood and common cloves. Garlic is also a common or added herbal ingredient.
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These three major herbs – black walnut hull, wormwood, and common cloves can help kill over 100 types of parasites. The combination of the three is very important. Black walnut hull and wormwood will kill the adult parasites; cloves will kill the eggs. This is a very simple but powerful remedy that is easy to take!
Another recommendation is to take these herbs alone, not in combination, but still in the same day. For example, you can drink wormwood tea three times a day for no more than 10 days to fight off a parasitic infection. However, because wormwood is related to absinthe, make sure it is labeled “thujone-free” and don’t take more than recommended.
Likewise, black walnut extract is toxic to parasites and can help with diarrhea and constipation. You can also take 1,000 mg of black walnut extract, three times a day with water, i.e. as a tea, for six weeks (but no longer.) This can also eliminate parasites.
Add cloves or clove oil in water on a daily basis. Add cinnamon to it as well. Or, have clove tea with cinnamon no more than three times a day. Again, it will help with parasite infections.

Additionally, raw garlic is as toxic to parasites as it is to vampires (another type of parasite!). If you can, eat two cloves a day for two weeks. Eat it before bedtime to avoid garlic breath during the day. By doing this, you will be supercharging your immune system as well as making life difficult for the invaders within.
While you’re taking these natural remedies, avoid eating sugars, grains, alcohol and milk. All of these foods are what parasites love to eat. You can also take acidic drinks like apple cider vinegar and spices like cayenne pepper. This makes your body chemistry difficult on parasites. Also, drink lots of water with lemon added to it and the juice of “a thumbnail” of fresh ginger root. Pursue this course for three-to-six weeks and see how you feel.
These herbal remedies are really a form of an intestinal and body cleanse that will make your body an undesirable place for parasites to want to stay. You will be surprised at how better you will feel, both physically and psychologically, knowing that you’ve rid your body of perhaps numerous of the little buggers!