With the measles turning up in different places all over the county, the push is on to make vaccinating your children mandatory. You see this in the news and all over the media. Of course, many of us don’t trust that all vaccinations are necessary or that they are truly necessary to protect our children.
We know, of course, that vaccinations have helped us get rid of polio and other diseases. We are not totally against all vaccines. The polio vaccine is a great example of one that did a lot of good. But we also know that many vaccines, especially those multiple disease vaccines given to infants can be very hard on them and have been very harmful to some children.
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Autism on the rise
In many public cases, people have blamed vaccinations for causing autism in their children who were perfectly normal before receiving the vaccination. The reasons are not well established in every case, but we do know that in some cases, the vaccines have overwhelmed children’s little systems, causing brain damage and other health effects that are permanent.

Even with the medical establishment insisting that vaccinations are overwhelmingly healthy for our children, is this really true? Let’s take a closer look at autism in America. The autism rates among our children are rising to frightening levels. In the last two decades reported autism has increased by more than 600 percent. Something is causing this rapid rise in autism, right? And we think that it’s more than just “we now have greater awareness of it”, as the medical establishment tells us.
To our way of thinking, just because the medical establishment hasn’t “found” a link between vaccines and autism doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Anyway, do you really think that the pharmaceutical industry would allow such proof to get out to the public if there were? Think of the legal costs!
We’re not conspiracy minded, but we also know that when large amounts of money are involved, and we’re talking about many billions of dollars – information gets manipulated. Large corporations protect their financial interests. We see this all the time as they try to get natural medicines regulated or otherwise declared harmful or some other fake charge.
An alternative to harmful vaccines
Still, we all want healthy kids and we don’t want our children to catch the dread diseases that are out there. What should we do? Is there a way to avoid the toxic vaccinations of the medical establishment without running the risk of catching a contagious disease? Is vaccination an all-or-nothing deal?

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Fortunately, there is an alternative to conventional vaccines. They work much in the same way as usual vaccines. They give you a very limited exposure to the virus that your body then is able to build up immunity against. The difference is that with this alternative method of vaccination, your body is not poisoned by all the toxic chemicals that are found in most vaccines.
This alternative is called homeoprophylaxis. This technique for immunizing is similar in concept to “traditional” vaccines. It exposes the body to pure disease agents in energetic form. The immune systems then learns how to respond to infectious processes.
Purer vaccines mean safer vaccines
How does homeoprophylaxis work? It uses a diluted form of the disease that still has potential energy aspects to it, called ‘nosodes.’ The nosodes are what stimulates the immune system to respond. If that sounds just like a regular vaccine to you, you’re right. The two methods of immunization are similar. In fact, the exact same concept is applied in both techniques. The main difference between them is the purity of the homeopathic nosodes compared to vaccines developed by the big pharmaceutical companies.
The medical industry’s vaccines are quite harsh on the body and contain unnecessary chemicals that cause all kinds of side effects, from making a patient sick to autism to even paralysis or death. Homepathic nosodes don’t have the additives like antibiotics, preservatives, foreign DNA or other contaminants, whether chemical or biological.
Been around for centuries
This immunization technique isn’t new. In fact, it has been around for hundreds of years. Throughout the centuries it has been used to fight contagious diseases and even epidemics. In a clinical study by Dr. Isaac Golden, Ph.D., of Australia, homeoprophylaxis has been shown to be an effective replacement for our current vaccination routines.
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Where is the evidence that homeoprophylaxis works? Here’s a sample from the website TheVaccineAlternative.com:
- In Cuba, prophylaxis has been used on 2.5 million people to stop an epidemic of leptospirosis.
- Over 65,000 children in Brazil were treated in a region of Brazil, eradicating a meningitis outbreak.
- 40,000 people were given the homeopathic prophylactic Lathyrus sativus during a polio outbreak in Buenos Aires in 1975. None of them developed polio.
- In 1996, 175,000 people in India were treated in two days during a cholera outbreak. Immediately following there were no more incidents of death and in 10 days the outbreak was stopped.
- Here, in the US and in many other countries, kits are available to immunize your child without toxins. Several large scale research projects of the children being immunized with homeoprophylaxis are underway.
- Children in Colombia have had blood titer draws showing antibodies have developed for all of the homeoprophylaxis immunizations they have received.
Imagine protecting your children from horrible, contagious diseases without having to worry if they will survive or be permanently damaged by the vaccination! What a relief and a blessing! Not only is it possible, it’s also proven and available. To learn more about the safe method of vaccination, see TheVaccineAlternative.com